Hello, Hallo, Привет, こんにちは! I'm a Datascientist and Bioinformatician based in Yerevan, Armenia

Egor Kosaretsky

Bioinformatician / Data Scientist

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Hi again! I'm a student at Lomonosov Moscow State University. I'm passionate about Machine learning and often hang out on kaggle searching for new datasets. I also like to apply my skills in computational and structural biology. In a free time i make simple indie games using python. Linux enthusiast and open source software contributor(I use Void btw).

Work at DevSect

Building AI infrastructure from ground up with help of Docker, AirFlow/Langchain, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL and FastAPI. Responsible for researching, finetuning Llama and other LLMs, text classificators to develop most efficient talking head pipeline enhancing user engaging in chatbot mobile app.

Work at GENXT

I have developed and held responsible for testing of pipeline of pedigree simulation with unrelated founders, relatedness degrees estimation and compare between true and estimated degrees. In my work I actively use ERSA, KING, IBIS, Ped-Sim with samtools inside Snakemake. Important part of my work is also pipeline speed enhancement, which requires computing power estimation and optimization. I'm also involved in Federated machine learning engine research for phenotype prediction based on SNV data. Working with XGBoost, Random Forest and MLP models fine tuning.

Work and Education

2019Working as a junior manager at Wanta Group.
2021-2023Working as a bioinformatician at GENXT.
2023-presentWorking as a Ml- and Data- Engineer at DevSect.
2021Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine: Online course Computational Genomics: Hands-on course on Machine Learning for Genomics, Computational Genomics in R
2018-2025Studying at Lomonosov Moscow State University faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics.

My skills


Russian: Native, German: Upper-intermediate, English: Upper-intermediate, Japanese: Basic.

Programming skills and languages:

Python: Pytorch, NumPy, Pandas, Polars, scikit-learn, PyMol, SeaBorn, Luigi, Snakemake, FastAPI

Cloud and Databases: Google cloud, Yandex cloud, Docker, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, Airflow, Luigi, Hadoop, Mlflow

R: tidyverse, ggplot2, caret

Web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, FastAPI

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